« Liquid to solid foams » workshop, December 18th, Paris (MSC lab)

Dear colleagues,

Together with the GDR SoPhy, we organise a 1-day workshop about Liquid to solid foams on Monday 18th of December 2023 in Paris (MSC lab). 

Foams are made of liquid or solid containing gas bubbles. Liquid foams comprise many liquid-gas interfaces, so their structure and dynamics are ruled by liquid surface tension. Solid foams are porous materials used for properties like their lightness, their low thermal conductivity or their permeability. Solid foams are generally elaborated from liquid foams that solidify, and the intermediate solidifying foams have specific properties -structure, ageing, mechanical and rheological properties, etc.- ruled both by surface tension and bulk elasticity.  The objective of this workshop is to better understand them and therefore to gather scientists from both liquid and solid foam communities. 

We invite you to register, and to propose a short presentation title if you wish, before November 7th on the workshop website: 

Axel Huerre (MSC Paris),

Marie Le Merrer (ILM Lyon) and 
Anniina Salonen (LPS Orsay)