ICMF’25 Food Session, Toulouse, France May 11-15

Dear colleague,
Next International Conference on Multiphase Flow will take place in Toulouse, France, from 11th to 15th May 2025 (icmf2025.com). A special session dedicated to Multiphase Flow in Food industry is scheduled. Multiphase flows in complex systems are ubiquitous in food processing, and raise a number of challenging issues concerning stability, interface structuring, mixing, heat and mass exchange, and transport. All these phenomena are closely linked to the quality, texture and taste of the final product. Understanding and modelling the multi-scale interactions in these complex flowing systems is a challenging task that offers great opportunities for the two phase flow research community. You are dealing or have been dealing with complex multiphase flow in food processing, on behalf of the organizers of ICMF 2025, I invite you to submit an extended abstract to the 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2025) which will be held in Toulouse, France, on May 11-16, 2025.
The submission webpage is here: icmf2025.com/submission
Note that extension of the deadline for abstract submission will be soon announced.

We look forward to meeting you soon in Toulouse,
Olivier Masbernat

Recherche d’un docteur ou post-doc formé en matière molle pour l’industrie

de la part de Mikel Morvan. mikel.morvan@syensqo.com

We are looking for:
In the Home & Personal Care application lab in Aubervilliers, you will be in charge of managing global innovation projects, and scouting activities for the Hair Care segment. This job is targeting a scientist with a PhD in soft matter with ideally experience on colloids at interfaces.

We count on you for:
As Research Scientist HPC, with a main focus on Hair Care, your main missions are to :
– Build scientific understanding of key problems and technical routes to address market unmet needs
– Be proactive in proposing new ideas / concepts / mechanism of action to be applied in the Hair Care segment, as well as other Home & Personal Care segments
– Identify innovative solutions, economically viable and technically adapted for Syensqo Hair Care roadmap
– Define, organize and implement the technical actions needed to identify the solutions and how to market them, as well as the means to implement them (resources, budget, technical)
– Build and enrich formulation expertise, for all types of hair and product formats (shampoos, conditioners, leave-on, treatments…)
– Identify IP protection opportunities and threats for all new developments or product improvements
– Being aware of the regulatory constraints in place in the cosmetic application, and interact with our regulatory team to anticipate issues
– Contribute to the scientific and technical watch on the Hair Care segment
– Manage a team of lab technicians and accompany them in their professional evolution
– Use digital collaborative tools on a daily manner and participate to their growth
– Be open to travels, to meet customers and participate in seminars or trainings to customers, distributors, internal teams (<10%)

You can count on us for:

By joining Syensqo and its Home & Personal Care lab, you will :
– Be integrated in a dynamic, rich and collaborative team
– Manage strategic and innovative R&I projects
– Build close relationships with other stakeholders (Business, Marketing, Sales, Industrial, Techno, Regulatory, …)
– Build customer intimacy with Hair Care Key Accounts
– Work with external partners to feed the Open innovation : Universities, start-ups, others…
– Learn on Syensqo products and expertise
– Build a career in an international group, with the potential of evolving to other roles

You will bring:
– A very strong scientific background with a PhD in soft matter with major on colloids and surfaces
– Strong appetite for science and innovation
– Knowledge on hair care raw materials and formulation, together with hair science would be a plus
– Ability to manage project
– Creativity and demonstration of a spirit of initiative
– Ability to manage and drive a team
– Ease of communication English (written and spoken), and preferably in French as well
– Capacity to collaborate, create adhesion and social bonding

– Support and push digitization initiatives, and use digital tools to share info and knowledge

Thèse Cifre UMR SayFood (INRAE-AgroParisTech-Université Paris-Saclay) en collaboration avec Danone

Nous recrutons au sein de l’UMR SayFood (INRAE-AgroParisTech-Université Paris-Saclay) pour une thèse Cifre en collaboration avec Danone, le sujet étant « Développement de nouvelles méthodes de caractérisation structurale et rhéologique de produits laitiers et végétaux ».
L’offre complète est accessible via le lien ci-dessous, la date limite pour candidater est à la mi-juillet. 
Toute personne intéressée est invitée à nous contacter rapidement !

Offer PhD (36 months) at ILL Grenoble/SU Paris – Starting Fall 2024

PhD (36 months) between ILL Grenoble and Sorbonne Université, Paris  – Starting Fall 2024

Project: Connecting the bulk and interface membrane properties of microbial glycolipid amphiphiles

This PhD position aims at studying the bulk (water) and interface (air-water) properties of glycolipid amphiphiles using neutron scattering techniques (small angle neutron scattering -SANS- , neutron spin echo -NSE-, neutron reflectometry -NR-), provided their deuteration using microbial fermentation techniques.

Profile:  The candidate must hold a Master 2 degree in materials chemistry, materials science, chemistry or physics or related disciplines. Knowledge in the fields of lipids, surfactants and their physical characterization but also in purification technology and microbiology will be appreciated.

More info: See https://lcmcp.science/matiere-molle_open_positions/

Postdoctoral Position at ESPCI Paris

Dear colleagues,

I have an opening for an ANR funded post-doctoral position « Molecular Tribology : Watching individual liquid molecules moving at interfaces ». Details on the project can be found here: https://blog.espci.fr/jcomtet/files/2024/06/PostDocProposal_MoleculeTribology.pdf
Our lab is located at ESPCI PSL, Paris, France. Note that we recently moved to a brand new building with state-of-the-art research facilities.
Do not hesitate to forward this offer to potential candidates and contact me for more details if interested (jean.comtet@espci.fr).
Kind regards,
Jean Comtet
Associate CNRS Researcher
Laboratory for Soft Matter and Engineering
ESPCI, CNRS, Sorbonne University
Paris, France

Solvay workshop on Mixing

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the forthcoming Solvay Workshop entitled `Mixing: at the crossroads of Foundations and Practices’ to be held in Brussels, December 4-6, 2024. 

This workshop is intended to bring together specialists in the field of Mixing in the broad sense. This event will be the opportunity to appreciate the recent advances, both experimental and conceptual on the topic, and discuss the future of the discipline.

Registration is mandatory, and free. All details may be found at:


We very much look forward to your participation, 

Anne De Wit

Tanguy Le Borgne

Emmanuel Villermaux

proposition de thèse STLO-Rennes


Multi-scale exploration of the drying dynamics of dairy colloids and their rehydration

Keywords : colloids, liquid-solid transition, evaporation kinetics, drying, dairy proteins APPLICATION BEFORE JUNE 28TH

Starting date : September-December 2024

Research description

Drying is a key stage in dairy processing, with 50% of collected milk dry matter currently being converted into powder. Due to the still relatively empirical control of the drying process, problems are encountered on an industrial scale, both in terms of product properties (non-conformity with expected properties, e.g. rehydration) and process performance (e.g. sticking). Indeed, the mechanisms of particle formation during spray drying are not yet fully understood, the drying chamber being a “black box” making on-line observation of droplet-particle formation impossible.

We therefore aim to develop a multi-scale physics approach that brings together two complementary approaches in a single, original scientific approach :

– a local approach, with detailed analysis of elementary phenomena based on fundamental laws and principles ;
– a systemic approach, integrating phenomena on a process scale, right down to rehydration properties in our case.

This exploration of drying dynamics represents a relevant method for observing the drying phenomenon directly, flexibly and in detail, and for understanding the influence of different colloids on the characteristics of the products obtained. Thus, the study of drying in a confined environment represents an interesting means of gathering new information on the behavior of matter in a concentrated state, consistent with what can be observed at higher scales.

The research questions addressed in this Ph.D. project will follow a deductive logic, from the observation of the phenomenon to its physical interpretation :

1. Direct observation of the organisation of dairy colloids during drying under controlled conditions.

What is the specific role of constituents preferentially involved in self-stratification mechanisms during evaporation of dairy colloidal dispersions ?

2. Physical interpretation of the various stages of the drying dynamics using model colloids. What are the mechanical and rheological parameters that govern the solid-liquid transition in dispersed colloidal systems ?

3. Transfer of knowledge acquired in 1D to 3D systems of binary colloid mixtures. What is the impact of stratification on the formation of interfacial skin during the drying of drops of colloid mixtures (dairy and model) ? How can we link the morphological characteristics of powder particles and their reconstitution in water, by characterizing water diffusion on the surface of the particles ?


The Ph.D. work wil benefit from the fruitfull collaboration between the research teams of STLO (Rennes; https://eng-stlo.rennes.hub.inrae.fr/umr-stlo), the FAST (Orsay; http://www.fast.u-psud.fr/) and the LGC (Toulouse ; https://lgc.cnrs.fr/). This scientific synergy has been largely set off in the course of the last years and especially in the framework of the scientific network of the GDR SLAMM (Solliciter LA Matière Molle).

Candidate profile

The project is at the interface between several disciplines (physics, process engineering, dairy physicochemistry). A profile with a master’s degree in physics, with research experience in biological systems if possible, or in chemical or process engineering, will be preferable.

The potential candidate should have an interest for the investigation of soft matter physics and in particular colloidal systems, as well as an ability to work in a multidisciplinary team, combining fundamental research and potential functional applications in the industrial domain.

more informations: PhD project DRYMAP EN