ICMF’25 Food Session, Toulouse, France May 11-15

Dear colleague,
Next International Conference on Multiphase Flow will take place in Toulouse, France, from 11th to 15th May 2025 (icmf2025.com). A special session dedicated to Multiphase Flow in Food industry is scheduled. Multiphase flows in complex systems are ubiquitous in food processing, and raise a number of challenging issues concerning stability, interface structuring, mixing, heat and mass exchange, and transport. All these phenomena are closely linked to the quality, texture and taste of the final product. Understanding and modelling the multi-scale interactions in these complex flowing systems is a challenging task that offers great opportunities for the two phase flow research community. You are dealing or have been dealing with complex multiphase flow in food processing, on behalf of the organizers of ICMF 2025, I invite you to submit an extended abstract to the 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2025) which will be held in Toulouse, France, on May 11-16, 2025.
The submission webpage is here: icmf2025.com/submission
Note that extension of the deadline for abstract submission will be soon announced.

We look forward to meeting you soon in Toulouse,
Olivier Masbernat