SYNC2024 Symposium

un colloque organisé par des physico-chimistes de la matière molle à La Sapienza à Rome fin Juin.

Public visé: PhDs et post-docs.
Symposium for YouNg Chemists (SYNC2024), on June 24-28, 2024.

  1. SYNC will partner with ChemPlusChem for a Special Collection for all conference participants who have been accepted to present their research.
  2. ChemSusChem will sponsor two poster/oral presentation prizes (book vouchers of 150 EUR/each).

We believe these are great opportunities for our community of young chemists. I’d be grateful to you if you could share this information among your students. 

The deadline for abstract submission is April 30th.

Keynote speakers will be selected among submitted abstract.

For more information visit: