Annual European Rheology Conference 2024, University of Leeds, UK

You are warmly invited to the Annual European Rheology Conference 2024, which takes place at the University of Leeds, UK from 9th-12th April 2024. Details of the meeting are now available at
In particular, as co-organisers of the session on « suspensions and granular materials », we hope that you will consider contributing a paper to this session.
Abstract submission for contributed presentations and posters is now open, with a (hard) deadline for submitting abstracts of 15th December 2023. For more details, please see:
We are particularly pleased that Anke Lindner and Randy Ewoldt have agreed to speak in our plenary sessions, which will also include the winners of the 2024 Weissenberg and Oldroyd awards.  The conference aims to cover all areas of current rheological research, with sessions on:
Colloids and Glasses
Polymeric Fluids
Emulsions, Foams and Interfacial Rheology          
Microrheology and microfluidics
Experimental Methods and new rheometric techniques  
Suspensions and Granular Materials       
Food Rheology  
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Flow Instabilities   
Industrial Rheology, sustainability and additive manufacturing   
Bio-rheology, Living and Active Matter
Soft Solids and Viscoplastic Fluids
For those interested, we have organised a short course, taking place from 8th-9th April, on “Computational rheology using rheoTool” to be presented by Célio Fernandes  and Manuel Alves.
We hope to see you all in Leeds next year!
With best wishes
Oliver Harlen, Rob Poole and Daniel Read (organisers)
Olivier Pouliquen, Wilson Poon, Erin Koos  (C-Chairs of the suspensions-granular materials session)