JMC de la SFP: colloquia in Soft Matter, Biophysics, and Mechanics

Bonjour à tous et toutes,
Les Journées de la Matière Condensée ont lieu exceptionnellement du 28 au 31 octobre 2024 à Marseille. C’est le premier congrès français couvrant l’ensemble des thématiques de la matière condensée et de ses interfaces avec la biologie, la chimie et la mécanique. 
Concernant la matière molle, la biophysique et l’interface mécanique-physique,
– Les plénières et semi-plénières seront assurées par: Denis Bartolo, Ludovic Berthier, Thibaut Divoux, Wiebke Drenckhan, Véronique Lazarus, Cécile Monteux, Benoît Roman, Cecile Sykes, Anne Tanguy, Annie Viallat 
– Les mini-colloques sont divers et ont reçu le soutien de divers GDR de physique, GDR AQV, Physique & Vivant-SFP et AFM.  La soumission d’une proposition de communication orale a été limitée à 300 mots. 
Cliquez sur le sigle pour télécharger le document pdf d’une page présentant le mini-colloque et ses éventuels soutiens:
Matière molle et interface mécanique-physique
SMMP1 – Fracture and Friction across Materials and Scales
SMMP2 – Physics of divided matter
SMMP3 – Fracture of hydrated materials
SMMP4 – Soft and architected structures: instabilities, wave phenomena and multiphysics couplings
SMMP5 – Surface tension, soft solids and fluid-structure interactions
SMMP6 – Statistical physics of disordered matter
Biophysique et matière active
BAM1 – Dynamics of biological and bio-inspired systems, from single particles to suspensions
BAM2 – Mechanics and microstructure of living matter across length scales
BAM3 – Physics of Morphogenesis in Living Organisms
BAM4 – Physics of plants
BAM5 – Phase transitions in biology
En espérant vous voir nombreux,
les organisateurs et organisatrices de mini-colloques
PS: la date limite est le 14 juin mais nous avons demandé une extension

mini colloque aux Journées de la Matière Condensée à Marseille, les 28-31 Octobre

Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the Mini-colloquium on Surface tension, soft solids and fluid-structure interactions that we are organising at the ‘Journées de la Matière Condensée’ (JMC), which will take place in Marseille on October 28-31, 2024. The event is organized by the Division of Condensed Matter Physics of the French Physics Society (SFP) and the mini-colloquium is supported by the French Association of Mechanics (AFM). 
The session will focus on recent progress in understanding multiphase systems involving an interplay between capillarity and elasticity (see attached poster for more details). It will open with an invited talk by Anaïs Gauthier (Institut de Physique de Rennes) followed by a series of contributed talks (format to be determined : 12/15-minute presentation + 3-minute for questions).
Researchers from physics, mechanics, and related disciplines with an interest in capillarity and elastocapillary systems are welcome to join. In particular, young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) are strongly encouraged to apply. 
To submit your abstract, please go to the conference website ( and select the mini-colloquium ‘SMMP5 : Surface tension, soft solids and fluid-structure interactions’ as the sorting category. The submission deadline is June 14, 2024.
We would be grateful if you could forward this email within your group and to all colleagues who could be potentially interested. We look forward to seeing you in Marseille this fall.
Best wishes,
Ambre Bouillant, Lucie Domino, Alexis Duchesne and Camille Duprat

poste IR matière molle à Nice – deadline 3 juin

L’Institut de Physique de Nice a un poste d’ingénieur de recherche ouvert à la mobilité (NOEMI) sur deux profils matière molle.

Soit en tant qu’animateur de la plateforme Imagerie et Caractérisation Optique : Réaliser l’étude de marché concernant l’achat de gros instruments : tomographe X, MEB, en lien avec les besoins actuels et à venir du laboratoire et de son écosystème scientifique. Assurer la conception, la mise en exploitation et le développement de techniques de caractérisation et d’imagerie : tomographe X, AFM, ESEM…

Soit en tant qu’animateur de la plateforme micro-fabrication et caractérisation physico-chimique : Concevoir et exploiter des expériences relevant des champs de la microfabrication et de la microfluidique en étroite collaboration avec les équipes de recherche.

Deadline pour postuler : 3 juin 2024
Lien pour postuler :

Offre Postdoc (18 months) in Bordeaux – Starting date July 2024

Postdoc (18 months) in Bordeaux  – Starting date July 2024- extended deadline 1st June

Project: Light-actuation of Soft compartments by artificials nanomotors

In this Postdoc project, the candidate will experimentally investigate the dynamics and mechanics of soft compartments driven by light-actuated nanomotors.

Profile:  The candidate should have a PhD in physics, soft matter,  with strong expertise in experimental physics.

contact : and

Offre de thèse – simulation – Montpellier

Modeling the flow of fibers interacting with grains

Mixtures of fibers and grains are present in many materials. Raw earth constructions often include a significant proportion of fibers or straw. In the materials and pharmaceutical industries, nanocellulose fibers are used as additives to powders. In civil engineering, synthetic fibers, or geotextiles, are used to stabilize embankments and banks. Lastly, when recycling materials that include fibers (wood, glass or carbon fibers), a grinding step is generally performed before separating the fibers and granular constituents. Figure : Example of simulation of fibers confined in a grain bed (discrete element method). In these different examples, fibers make a major contribution to the mechanical strength of materials, notably via their intrinsic properties (length, stiffness, breaking point), their collective behavior through entanglement effects or the formation of cohesive aggregates. In this thesis, numerical simulations by discrete element method (DEM) will be used to investigate mixtures of fibers and grains. The packing and rheology of these systems will be studied, and the effects of the proportion of fibers and grains, fiber stiffness, friction, confining pressure and shear rate will be investigated. The structural and dynamical properties of the simulated systems will be computed in order to understand the collective mechanisms of segregation and entanglement between deformable fibers. The simulation results will complement and be compared with experimental data obtained in the context of a partnership with experimental groups in the Paris area. The candidate will be part of the PhyProDiv group which has a strong expertise in the numerical modeling of granular media and soft matter and collaborates on these topics with other Physics (L2C) and Mechanics (LMGC) groups in Montpellier. We seek a candidate with a strong background in physics, mechanics or applied mathematics. Experience and interest in numerical modelling and simulation will be highly appreciated. Ability to work in a team and good communication skills are important as the PhD student will work in close contact within a project involving several research groups (in Sorbonne Université Paris, CNRS and Saint Gobain). The PhD is fully funded through an ANR grant (ConFig ANR-23-CE30-0032), and will take place at UMR IATE in Montpellier, south of France. For more details on the project, motivated and qualified candidates are encouraged to apply using the contacts mentioned below and to send a CV and motivation letter.


– Vo, T. T., Nezamabadi, S., Mutabaruka, P., Delenne, J. Y., & Radjai, F. (2020). Additive rheology of complex granular flows. Nature communications, 11(1), 1476.

– Fakih, M., Delenne, J. Y., Radjai, F., & Fourcaud, T. (2019). Root growth and force chains in a granular soil. Physical Review E, 99(4), 042903.

– Rakotonirina, A. D., Delenne, J. Y., Radjai, F., & Wachs, A. (2019). Grains3D, a flexible DEM approach for particles of arbitrary convex shape—Part III: extension to non-convex particles modelled as glued convex particles. Computational Particle Mechanics, 6, 55-84.

Contacts : Jean-Yves Delenne, Virginie Hugouvieux,

Offre Postdoc (18 months) in Bordeaux – Starting date July 2024

Postdoc (18 months) in Bordeaux  – Starting date July 2024

Project: Light-actuation of Soft comportments by artificials nanomotors

In this Postdoc project, the candidate will experimentally investigate  the dynamics and mechanics of soft compartments driven by light-actuated nanomotors.

Profile:  The candidate should have a PhD in physics, soft matter,  with strong expertise in experimental physics.

contact : and


SYNC2024 Symposium

un colloque organisé par des physico-chimistes de la matière molle à La Sapienza à Rome fin Juin.

Public visé: PhDs et post-docs.
Symposium for YouNg Chemists (SYNC2024), on June 24-28, 2024.

  1. SYNC will partner with ChemPlusChem for a Special Collection for all conference participants who have been accepted to present their research.
  2. ChemSusChem will sponsor two poster/oral presentation prizes (book vouchers of 150 EUR/each).

We believe these are great opportunities for our community of young chemists. I’d be grateful to you if you could share this information among your students. 

The deadline for abstract submission is April 30th.

Keynote speakers will be selected among submitted abstract.

For more information visit:

Congrès annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, à Marseille, 22-25 Oct 2024

As you may know, we will be hosting the annual congress of the Groupe Français de Rhéologie (GFR ) at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille from October 22 to 25, 2024. We’d like to make this an original event, bringing together different communities tackling rheology issues in seemingly distant contexts.

You will find the titles of the sessions and the program of the day of lectures here:

We have slots available for short presentations (~20min), as well as poster sessions with large dedicated slots in the early afternoon. We invite you to send in your abstracts via the web page before May 30th. Please do not hesitate to share the event widely with those around you, and in particular to encourage your students (including non-french speakers) to propose their contributions.

We hope to see many of you in Marseille in October,

Best regards,

The organizing Committee: Chico Rocha, Sham Tlili, Simon Gsell, Olivier Pouliquen, Laurence Bergougnoux, Laurine Tiran, Romain Castellani & Bloen Metzger

Annonce du symposium « Trans Mucus Network » qui se tiendra à Lille du 28 au 30 novembre 2024

Symposium Trans Mucus Network qui se tiendra à Lille du 28 au 30 novembre 2024
Le premier symposium du Trans Mucus Network a pour but de réunir des expertises complémentaires et transdisciplinaires francophones, chercheurs et futurs chercheurs (doctorants, postdoctorants). Les présentations seront didactiques et adaptées aux expertises de tous les participants, quel que soit leur background scientifique. Une large place à des échanges sera assurée après chaque intervention et lors des sessions de posters.
L’objectif du symposium est de favoriser les échanges entre les équipes académiques et non académiques travaillant sur le mucus biologique ou artificiel. La trans-disciplinarité sera assurée par une représentation équilibrée des savoir-faire appliqués aux gels de mucus d’origines diverses.
Vous trouverez les informations sur le programme, les inscriptions et la soumission des résumé ci-dessous.
Programme, Informations: cliquer ici
Inscription/Paiement: cliquer ici
Soumission d’un résumé: cliquer ici