PhD position / Neutron scattering for thermal and pressure induced protein structuring in meat analogues / ILL Grenoble, ETH Zurich

Dear All,

We have a PhD position available for a project called “Neutron scattering for thermal and pressure induced protein structuring in meat analogues” in a collaboration with ILL (Grenoble, France), Planted Foods AG and ETH Zurich (both in Zurich, Switzerland). The detailed project description as well as the guidelines for application can be found in the following link:

A more general on the PhD School is given at:

Please feel free to circulate this email to anybody potentially interest.

Postdoc offer / Multi-network modeling / LIPhy Grenoble

A postdoctoral position will be available in our group “Statistical Physics and Modelling” (PSM) at the Interdisciplinary Physics Institute (LIPhy) at the Univ. Grenoble Alpes to work on the computational modelling and statistical analysis of deformation processes in multiple network gels.

The position is funded by the French National Science Foundation (ANR) within a joint research project together with experimental groups at the Univ. Charles Coulumb in Montpellier (Luca Cipelletti) and at the ESPCI in Paris (Costantino Creton).

The research project aims at characterising the physics of multiple network elastomers under deformation, and clarify the origin of their exceptional mechanical properties, reconciling reversible elasticity with minimal dissipative losses and high strength. The candidate is expected to develop particle-based models on the scale of the monomers by implementing coarse-grained molecular-level simulations of multi-networks in form of bead-spring models to mimic as closely as possible the experimental systems and protocols to address the mechanical properties of these hierarchal networks. These simulations can then provide the ingredients for lattice-based descriptions of the dynamics of stress, strain and strand breaking fields on the mesoscopic scale.

The requirements for this position are a PhD in physics, chemistry, mathematics or computer science, and a solid research experience in at least one of the following areas: polymer physics, statistical mechanics and/or molecular dynamics simulations. Programming, mathematical modelling and data-analysis skills are required and the candidate is expected to closely collaborate with the experimental teams of the project.

The position is planned to start as soon as possible (flexible starting date, duration two years). The salary will be in compliance with the CNRS payment scheme and will be adapted to the candidate experience.

For further information please contact Jean-Louis Barrat or myself

Applications are welcome until the position is filled:

Thank you for informing potentially interested candidates,
Kirsten Martens

Newsletter 1, décembre 2020. Prochaine journée thématique
19 janvier 2021 JT « Les protéines sont-elles des colloïdes/polymères comme les autres ? »

En plus de ses journées plénières annuelles, SLAMM propose des journées d’échanges scientifiques centrés sur une problématique particulière. Après la journée organisée en avril 2019 à Reims sur la diffusion et les phénomènes de transport, le GdR propose aujourd’hui une nouvelle journée thématique, centrée sur les protéines et les questions qu’elles posent aux différentes communautés disciplinaires qui composent le GdR :

  • Quelles sont les spécificités de ces biopolymères, capables de former de nombreux types d’objets colloïdaux ?
  • Quelles sont les techniques qui permettent de caractériser leur comportement ?
  • Quels sont les mécanismes qui l’expliquent ?

Cette journée sera composée de deux conférences invitées, par Mikael Lund (Lund University, Suède) et Christophe Schmitt (Nestlé, Suisse), et de onze présentations courtes, qui illustreront la richesse et la diversité des regards portés sur les protéines.

Cette journée, entièrement virtuelle, aura lieu le 19 janvier 2021. Programme :

Inscription, gratuite mais obligatoire, jusqu’au 6 janvier 2021 : Propositions de tables rondes : jusqu’au 10 décembre 2020.

Coordinateurs : Amélie Banc (L2C, CNRS, Montpellier), Adeline Boire (BIA, INRAE, Nantes), Stéphane Pezennec (STLO, INRAE, Rennes), Arnaud Saint-Jalmes (IPR, CNRS, Rennes)