IMA11 Conference

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to participate in the 11th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (IMA11) which will take place in Bordeaux, FRANCE at the Campus of Talence (« Haut-Carré ») on 19-22 June 2023.

More information can be found on the following website:

I will make an annoucement for the call of abstracts by the end of this year.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Bordeaux in 2023.

Best Regards,
Professor Sakir AMIROUDINE
Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingénieries, UMR CNRS 5295
Université de Bordeaux
Bât A11, 351 cours de la Libération CS 10004 33405 Talence
Tel : +33 (0) 5 40 00 34 03