2nd Fluids and Health Gordon Conference

dear Colleagues 

The 2nd Fluids and Health Conference will take place from August 14-19 at Mt. Holyoke College as a new Gordon Research Conference.
As COVID-19 continues to remind us, significant gaps and exceedingly difficult scientific and translational challenges must be addressed to better prepare, mitigate, and face epidemics and global pandemics, that are bound to continue to occur with all the associated global economic and human life costs. These challenges cannot be left to be solved in a few months once a pandemic starts. Solid and deep scientific foundations, built over continued and sustained efforts, are required; and such challenges simply cannot be tackled by isolated, traditional fields of research.  
This 2022 Gordon Research Conference brings together experts from a range of synergistic and complementary disciplines (mathematics/physics, engineering, microbiology/virology, epidemiology) to exchange on frontier research in health, including respiratory/nosocomial infectious diseases transmission and public health, where bio- and fluid physics are at the core. 
The fantastic line-up of participants covers a wide range of fields to continue our 2019 effort to build a sustained and solid intellectual foundation and connected community. Thought and program leaders come together with young researchers to address the subtle and complex challenges of the growing intersection between fluid physics, biophysics, soft matter, infectious diseases and contamination across scales. 
Apply HERE by July 13th for selection and limited fellowships for junior researchers. 
Note that applicants for posters or attendance can be in areas that are much broader than « infectious disease transmission ».  Similarly to the F&H 2019 conference, this GRC 2022 iteration will involve discussions on technical, theoretical, methodological, and translational challenges relevant for a range of open scientific questions at the intersection of public health/virology/microbiology/physiology/mechanics/fluid physics/interfacial flows/biophysics/soft matter/modelling and health. So those in these areas should also consider applying!
Please help spread the word and circulate widely to those you think might be interested; the deadline for fellowships for junior researchers is fast approaching. 
Prof. Lydia Bourouiba, MIT
Prof. Emmanuel Villermaux, AMU 
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Mailing list to remain connected: Fluids-HealthMailingList