3rd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference Nantes 2022

Dear All,

Please receive this Email to remind you to not forget the upcoming International Plant Spectroscopy Conference, in Nantes, France between September 12-15, 2022.

The goal is to encourage discussion, share experiences, and questions about – but are not limited to:

  • FTIR (micro)spectroscopy
  • Raman (micro)spectroscopy 
  • Autofluorescence spectroscopy and imaging
  • Mass spectrometry and imaging
  • NMR spectroscopy and imaging
  • Related chemometric approaches

Topics will be introduced by the following excellent keynote speakers:

  • Monika Szymanska-Chargot – Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • Giovanni Agati – Istituto di Fisica Applicata « Nello Carrara » (IFAC-CNR), Florence, Italy
  • John Ralph – University of Wisconsin System, Madison, WI, USA
  • Annick Moing – INRAE, IBMV, Bordeaux Metabolome, France
  • Andreas Roempp – University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
  • Anna de Juan – Universidad de Barcelona, Spain

In addition to scientific sessions, we invite both beginners and experienced researchers to participate in four technical workshops:

  • Data analysis techniques
  • Sample preparation
  • Spectral technique selection
  • Correlative and multimodal imaging

The journal Biomolecules will dedicate a special issue for the conference and participants will receive a 50% discount on publishing fees. Biomolecules will also give a prize of 400 Euros to the best poster.

Updates on the conference, registration, and lodging are available at https://ipsc2022.symposium.inrae.fr/

Questions? Please contact our Local Organizing Committee at IPSC2022@inrae.fr

We look forward to welcoming you to 3rd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference in Nantes, France, September 12-15, 2022! 

With my very best personal regards on behalf of all the organisers, András Gorzsas, Notburga Gierlinger, Catherine Deborde, Fabienne Guillon, Marie-Françoise Devaux

Marie-Françoise Devaux