3-day training on foams and emulsions, Strasbourg, May 2022

Dear all,

in the framework of « CNRS Formation Entreprise » we are offering a three-day training  for industry on

« Liquid foams and emulsions: generation, stability and properties »

in Strasbourg, 11-13/05/2022.

We will combine lectures and hands-on tutorials in the lab in order to transmit the fundamental physico-chemical concepts concerning the formulation and generation of foams and emulsions, their structure, their stability and their macroscopic properties. Lectures will be in English.

You find more information here: https://cnrsformation.cnrs.fr/liquid-foams-and-emulsions?mc=foam

or in the attached flyer.

Do not hesitate to transmit this information to interested colleagues, or to contact us if you have questions.

Best wishes,

Arnaud Saint-Jalmes & Wiebke Drenckhan
