Postdoc offer / Long Chain Branching in Polyolefins / Unina Naples

We are currently looking for a motivated Postdoc to work on Long Chain Branching in Polyolefins within the framework of GoLBraPol, a research project funded by the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI).
This Project focuses on the relationship between molecular architecture, rheological and processing properties of Sparsely Long Chain Branched Polyolefins (SLCB-PO). A multidisciplinary approach to determine the rheological fingerprint of the SLCB architecture will be set up to link the flow properties to molecular architecture. This will provide the knowledge to govern SLCB processing and tune the mechanical properties of the final product. Experiments will be devised to require very small, milligram-size amounts of polymer, thus making it possible to use high throughput, laboratory-oriented synthesis strategies. The results are expected to pave the way to the use of SLCB-POs in specific processing technologies. The possibility to predict and design the best SLCB-PO material for a specific application will also contribute to a better, more responsible, and sustainable use of polyolefins.

The duration of the fellowship is for one year and can be extended for one more year, to be spent mainly at the University of Naples Federico II. We are looking for a highly motivated experimental researcher with a solid background in engineering, physics, chemistry, or a related field, preferably with knowledge of rheology and soft matter. Experience with experimental research, especially using rheometry and processing techniques, as well as excellent communication and computer skills will be highly beneficial.

The Postdoc position will be assigned based on a public competition. The starting of the activity is flexible, in the time window between June and September 2022.
Interested candidates can send a pre-selection email no later than April 15th, 2022, including a detailed C.V., to:

Nino Grizzuti (
Rossana Pasquino (
Salvatore Costanzo (

Rossana Pasquino, PhD
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale – DICMaPI
Scuola di Ingegneria e delle Scienze di Base
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
P.le Tecchio 80
80125 Naples, Italy
te. 0817682288

3-day training on foams and emulsions, Strasbourg, May 2022

Dear all,

in the framework of « CNRS Formation Entreprise » we are offering a three-day training  for industry on

« Liquid foams and emulsions: generation, stability and properties »

in Strasbourg, 11-13/05/2022.

We will combine lectures and hands-on tutorials in the lab in order to transmit the fundamental physico-chemical concepts concerning the formulation and generation of foams and emulsions, their structure, their stability and their macroscopic properties. Lectures will be in English.

You find more information here:

or in the attached flyer.

Do not hesitate to transmit this information to interested colleagues, or to contact us if you have questions.

Best wishes,

Arnaud Saint-Jalmes & Wiebke Drenckhan


Journées Thématiques ‘Matière Molle et Industrie’

Le GdR SLAMM organise des journées thématiques sur le thème Matière Molle et Industrie les 30 et 31 mai 2022, à l’ESPCI (Paris).

Le but de cette rencontre est de confronter les connaissances des industriels et du monde académique dans le domaine de la matière molle et des fluides complexes, et d’attirer nos doctorants vers des carrières industrielles. Le programme consistera en des exposés invités de personnalités du monde industriel et du monde académique, ainsi qu’en une quinzaine de communications orales.

L’inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire.
La date limite pour la soumission d’une communication orale est fixée au 8 avril.
Attention cette rencontre sera limitée à 80 participants.

 Vous trouverez toutes les informations utiles ainsi que la liste des conférenciers invités dans le document disponible à ce lien : Journées-SLAMM-Industriels.pdf

Appel à communications et Inscription : Cliquez ici

Cet évènement est co-organisé par François Lequeux (CNRS, ESPCI, directeur adjoint du laboratoire PIC TOTAL/CNRS), Christophe Chassenieux (professeur, IMMM), Laurence Talini (CNRS, SVI CNRS/Saint-Gobain), et Romain Jeantet (professeur, INRAE, STLO).