European Young Rheologists Symposium – EYRS 2023

Dear all

Please find below information on the first edition of the European Young Rheologists Symposium – EYRS 2023, organized by the European Society of Rheology (ESR) together with the Italian Society of Rheology (SIR).

EYRS is addressed to Senior graduates, PhD students, Post-doc researchers (max 2 years after PhD). The aim of EYRS is to give to young European researchers the possibility of presenting and discussing their work on rheology into an auditorium of young colleagues, chaired by more expert scientists.
The event will be on May 8th – 9th 2023 online on Microsoft Teams.

For more details and information, please visit

I look forward to hearing from your students soon!
Best, enjoy your day

Rossana Pasquino, PhD
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale – DICMaPI
Scuola di Ingegneria e delle Scienze di Base
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
P.le Tecchio 80
80125 Naples, Italy

Master 2 internship and PhD / Rupture of protein gels under fatigue / Laboratoire de Physique at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

Master 2 internship and PhD / Rupture of protein gels under fatigue / Laboratoire de Physique at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
The goal of this experimental project is to identify microscopic rupture precursors in protein gels thanks to experiments combining rheology and confocal microscopy under oscillatory shear or compression. This work will be supervised by Thomas Gibaud, Thibaut Divoux, and Sébastien Manneville. The internship (3 to 6 months in spring/summer 2023) may continue with a PhD funded by the ANR. Please send applications to
For details, see :

PostDoc offer / Polymer foams / Strasbourg (ICS & SOPREMA)

we have a 18-months postdoc opening for a physical chemist at the
Institut Charles Sadron. Goal is to elucidate the mechanisms which
control the morphology of a new generation of isocyanate-free polymer
foams. The project is financed by a SOPREMA donation.
You find more information in the attached flyer. Do not hesitate to
circulate to potentially interested candidates.
Kind regards,
Wiebke Drenckhan & Aurélie Hourlier-Fargette

Ecole d’Hiver TEC 21 à Grenoble

Tec 21 Winter school on  « Multi scale approaches and multiphysics couplings in fluid and solid mechanics »  (5th Edition)
Grenoble – 30th January to 3rd February 2023

Important societal issues require to solve problems of increasing complexity. A key vector of progress relies on multi-scale and multi-physics approaches. The objective of the winter school is to review the different approaches, numerical and experimental techniques to tackle the complexity of today’s engineering problems. All the courses are illustrated through various up-to-date examples. Two days are devoted to practical laboratory work, combining experiments and numerical modeling. The last day of the school is dedicated to a particular theme. This year this day will be dedicated to « mechanics at the nanoscale ».

Web Page: 

The number of participants is limited and registrations are subject to availability. Registration dead line: 31st December 2022.

The Organizing Committee
Contact :